
(Foto von Christoph Lixenfeld)

Warum schreibe ich auf Englisch? Ich habe mein halbes Leben in England gelebt und mich musikalisch immer schon nach England und besonders nach Amerika orientiert, und das hat sich über die Jahre nicht geändert.

Jeder meiner Songs startet mit dem Text, die Musik kommt später. Ich verbringe sehr viel mehr Zeit mit den Texten als mit der Musik. Wenn die Geschichte stimmig ist, findet sich die Musik sehr oft von selbst.

Hier sind einige Texte zum Nachlesen. Ein Klick auf den Titel springt zum Song:
What If
The Empty House
Give Me Love
Everything Has A Name
The Cigarette After
On My Last Day
Give Me A Name
Take Me Down To The River

What If

What if all the plains and mountains
Deep blue sky without a cloud
What if the white lines on the highway
Lead me out of doubt
What if nobody’s directing
All the falt’ring steps I take
When with a smile I am pretending
This time my heart won’t break

What if every road I travel
What if everything I do
What if every thought I’m thinking
Only leads me back to you
What if heading back from nowhere
Direction homeward bound
What if where I’m lost completely
The only place, the only place I can be found

What if all my doubts and worries
The things I fear the most
Only tryin’ to tell me something
Whisper to me like a ghost
What if all the detours taken
What if all decisions made
Had me going round in circles
What if it simply is too late

What if every road I travel
What if everything I do
What if every thought I’m thinking
Only leads me back to you
What if heading back from nowhere
Direction homeward bound
What if where I’m lost completely
The only place, the only place I can be found

What if all the plains and mountains
Deep blue sky without a cloud
What if the white lines on the highway
Lead me out of doubt

The Empty House

A shoebox full of letters
Marmalade in a jar
These are all just memories now
In the boot of my car
We’ve been through every drawer
We’ve been through every shelf
Clothes and books and jewellery
But nothing of yourself

Were there dreams you had saved
For some special day?
Dances not danced
Games that were still left to play?
Last promises were made
Though some were white lies
We forgave or forgot
When it was time
To say our last good-byes

Nails in the walls for pictures
Of family and friends
Pictures out in boxes now
This is how the story ends
I check the rooms for one last time
Nothing left behind
I’m sweeping floors and pulling curtains
Then I close the blinds

Were there dreams you had saved
For some special day?
Dances not danced
Games that were still left to play?
Last promises were made
Though some were white lies
We forgave or forgot
When it was time
To say our last good-byes

Give Me Love

Give me tears
As warm as summer rain
Give me tears
Of gratitude and pain
Give me tears
For all that’s old
Now only stories to be told
For all that’s new
For everyone who I made blue

Give me laughter
As rich as autumn leaves
Give me laughter
When we were hopelessly naive
Give me laughter
When we lost our way
And vanity led us astray
When the world is strange
For all the things I cannot change

Give me laughter, tears and love
Endless like the skies above
Make me feel we live forever
Though we know it’s only now or never

Give me love
As endless as the sky
Give me love
To make me feel that I can fly
Give me love
That keeps on giving
So I can keep on living
That has the nerve
Not to ask if I deserve

Give me laughter, love and tears
Cried for all those years
The days are gone, won’t come again
I close my eyes and count to ten

Give me love
As endless as the sky
Give me love
To make me feel that I can fly
Give me love
That keeps on giving
So I can keep on living
That has the nerve
Not to ask if I deserve

Everything Has A Name

Everything has a name
There’s time, there’s place
There’s you and there is me
Everything has a name
We tell ourselves it’s all the same
But you and I know better
Yours is yours and
Mine is mine

Everything has a name
There’s love
And there is not enough
Everything has a name
And here’s what we became
When you and I know better
That one and one
Could be much more than two

I know, I know, don’t speak
I’ve made the time stand still
Let’s fall into the in-between
And hold it there until
We’re running scared again
And nothing, nothing will be the same
No, we’re letting go
Of all this could-have-been
Let’s close our eyes and fall
Into the in-between
The things not seen
The things that have no name

Sometimes I look at you
And and feel that we are sinking
So many words hang in the air
And no way to stop thinking
So let us fall
Into the in-between
The things not seen
The things that have no name

I know, I know, don’t speak
I’ve made the time stand still
Let’s fall into the in-between
And hold it there until
We’re running scared again
And nothing, nothing will be the same
No, we’re letting go
Of all this could-have-been
Let’s close our eyes and fall
Into the in-between
The things not seen
The things that have no name

The Cigarette After

I turn to you
And wonder what you’re thinking
There’s a distance in your eyes
The way you look
I fear `round here
That things are changing
You‘re writing a new chapter
In your book

I’m dreading that this chapter
Is without me
This paragraph’s about
Somebody new
The more you write
The less I feel I’m living
I’ve been lying to myself
This isn’t true

Last night we skipped right
To the cigarette after
There was no love before
There was no tender laughter
Before we never used to
Smoke in bed

You say we‘re close
So very much familiar
I turned into your brother
You tell me with a gasp
I say you are distant lately
And peculiar
I feel you’re simply slipping
From my grasp

You say we‘re close
And much too much familiar
You cannot be yourself
It’s not the same
I ask you who’s the new guy
And is this really goodbye
I’m sad to see you’re playing
Some new game

Last night we skipped right
To the cigarette after
There was no love before
There was no tender laughter
Before we never used to
Smoke in bed

On My Last Day

On my last day
Would I plant the famous tree
On my last day
Would I see what is to see
On my last day
Would I pull myself together
Would I sit up straight
And look Him in the eye?
Will I believe that there‘s a difference
Between a heaven and the sky?

I’d leave my worries to be worries
But won’t worry `bout them now
Leave all stories to be stories
No more if and but and how
And the last thing that’s remaining
On the day when all is through
Is to hold you best I can
And whisper I love you

I’m not that young now
But still healthy
When I shave
I look OK
I’m not morbid but sometimes I‘m thinking
What if my last day was today?
There’d be ash to ashes, dust to dust
And then I’d be on my way

And when I’m gone
Don’t say I sleep
And when I’m gone
Don’t say I passed
And when I’m gone
Forget me, simply let me go

I’d leave my worries to be worries
But won’t worry `bout them now
Leave all stories to be stories
No more if and but and how
And the last thing that’s remaining
On the day when all is through
Is to hold you best I can
And whisper I love you
I love you, I love you…

Give Me A Name

Let something move me / and I follow
Let something touch me / and I feel
Let someone ask me / and I’ll answer
Let someone name me / I’ll be named

Give me a name / that you think fitting
And I’ll fit / the name you gave
Lend me a hand / so I can follow
Lead me to where / I need to be

Give me a name
To say I belong here
This is no game
Work your magic and
Make me feel, make me feel
Make me feel, make me feel HOME

I’m coming out / I will be counted
I will be counted / once or twice
Just take a good look / can you see it
This man is new / as of today

The new man is exactly / what was needed
The old man / had been lived to death
I’m stepping out / in these new clothes now
I’m stepping out / in this new world

Give me a name
To say I belong here
This is no game
Work your magic and
Make me feel, make me feel
Make me feel, make me feel HOME

Take Me Down To The River

You’re looking for answers
That I cannot give
When we don’t know any more
How to live
In a world where in minutes
Everything’s new
With the exception of me
And the exception of you

The best I can do
Is get back on my feet
And dust myself off again
Try to look neat
I can’t promise truth
If it’s important to you
Half-empty promises
The best I can do

Take me down to the river
Again and again and again
And wash me clean
Of my sins and my pain
If you take me away
From where I have been
I will be forgiving
I will be forgiving
Your original sin

You can tell them to wait
For I’m on my way
If I’m going in circles
It’s too early to say
Where is it I’m heading
I can’t really see
I’m hearing bells ringing
Are they ringing for me?

Take me down to the river
Again and again and again
And wash me clean
Of my sins and my pain
I’m shedding my clothes
I’m shedding my pride
Just hold me under now
Hold me under now
And make things alright

Take me down to the river
Again and again and again
And wash me clean
Of my sins and my pain
As I’m washing these deeds
From my own hand
Tell them to wait for me
Tell them to wait for me
In promised land